Home / About Your Mediator / Free Consultation

You may contact us initially by email or telephone and then we schedule a time to meet with both of you for a FREE CONSULTATION. After we have scheduled a convenient time for a complimentary consultation, we forward both of you an e-mail confirming the time and place of our first appointment including driving directions.

We email both of you as part of scheduling to emphasize that we are neutral and there to assist you, regardless of who first contacted us.

During this complimentary consultation, we describe our mediation process, especially as it pertains to your particular family circumstances and answer questions you may have in deciding whether mediation and working with us is a good choice and fit for you. And we learn of special issues that may influence the way we work with you.

We then provide you with “homework” to be completed before the initial session. We find our clients also appreciate an opportunity to organize their thoughts and collect information and documents in advance of our first session. We explain the items and information in the homework. This assists you in the mediation process and helps make your mediation session more effective.

In that email, we discuss an outline of Mediation Topics and Issues we plan discuss to assist you in reaching your financial, and/or parenting plan agreement, consistent with the requirements of the Courts and what is right with your own unique situation.